My heart, fast beats punching my insides.
My body, a mixture of chills and sweat.
My breath, obstructed like someone holding a pillow over my face.
It took me a few seconds to catch up to my reality; my house, my baby and my husband next to me, sleeping peacefully.
Inhale, exhale, relax.
My alarm goes off. I hit the snooze button. I gently pick up the baby, drape her on top of me and get lost in the smell of her hair as I stroke her back.
Tomorrow is the seven year anniversary of the divorce from the ex.
April 27th, the day a judge in Santa Monica granted me my freedom.
The last time I saw the ex was eight years ago.
Unexpected sounds or noises still spook me.
I am anxious about running into him.
I still look over my shoulders because I don’t know where he lives.
The nightmares still haunt me.